Annette’s AUTHOR Events



February 2, 2025 - Panel: Transgender Information and Allyship 10:45 am - 11:45 at First Congregational Church UCC, 724 E. South. River St., Appleton, WI. Anna Grunseth and Annette Grunseth

February 12, 2025, 7 pm. Dickinson Poetry Series featured readers, Annette Langlois Grunseth and Tori Grant Welhouse at Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship Door County, 10341 Water Street HWY 42. Ephraim, WI

Please email me if you would like a book presentation on either of my books.


November 8-24, 2024, VOICES FROM VIETNAM premiere of a play, Warrenton, Virginia, features a letter from my book Combat and Campus: Writing Through War.

November 18, 2024, AAUW, 4:30-7 p.m. Village Grille, Anna Grunseth & Annette Grunseth speakers, “Becoming Trans-Parent/Gender Identity”

November 8-9, 2024, Writing on the Door Conference - Track D session: Leap Into Book Marketing workshop, Nov. 9, 3-4:30 p.m., Tori Grant Welhouse & Annette Langlois Grunseth. Register at Write On Door County.
Learn a handy framework for organizing your book promotion, engaging readers, and getting your book out in the world. After this seminar, you will leave with concrete ideas for creating awareness and community building such as enhancing your website content, publicity, social media sharing, and swag. Takeaways will include a marketing plan template as well as a news release template and reading resources.

July 10, 2024, Book Club speaker for “Combat and Campus,” Fish Creek Library 1:30 P.M.

Twice monthly, “Poets on the Raft” poetry sharing/feedback group on Substack with The Raft (paid subscribers.) Co-hosts: Annette Grunseth, Gloria Heffernan, Every other Wednesday, at 7 p.m. Central time for 1.5 hours. (September 2023 - May 2024)

February 15, 2024, at 7 p.m. Central Time on ZOOM. “Leap into Book Marketing” Tori Grant Welhouse/ Annette Langlois Grunseth, with Write on, Door County. Registration required

January 21-28, 2024, Weeklong Writing Residency at Write On Door County, Fish Creek WI.

December 4, 2023, PFLAG Chapter - Mt Horeb - “Becoming Trans-Parent” poetry reading on gender identity and transition, one family’s story. On Zoom.

November 4, 2023, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Stone Harbor Resort, Sturgeon Bay, WI Otherworlds Books & More and Literacy Door County, BOOK FAIR
45 authors will be signing their books. A percentage of all book sales will go to support Literacy Door County.

October 25, 12:15-1:15 Lifelong Learning Insititute, Guest speaker on poetic writing for Lou Norsetter’s memoir class. UWGB campus.

October 7, 2023 Book & Author Fair, held at Farmers Market, Martin Park 207 S. Third Ave. Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235, 9:00AM—2:00PM. Meet the authors. Book signings. A Write On Door County event.

October 2-8, 2023 Vignette with actors, excerpt from “Combat and Campus” - Talking Spirits Cemetery Tours - Madison Wisconsin partnered with the Wis. Veterans Museum

September 16, 2023, 11:00 a.m. Military Writers Society of America Conference, New London, CT, Panel Discussion - How to Write Award-Winning nonfiction

September 15, 2023 reading & book signing - Bank Square Books, 6-7 p.m., Mystic, Connecticut

September 2, 2023, from 10 a.m. -Noon. FREE. Door County Published Authors Collective, “Local Authors Discuss: Writing Poetry” held at Write On Door County, 4210 Juddville Rd., south of Fish Creek.  Ann Heyse, Annette Grunseth, and Dr Barbara Loeb will offer brief readings of their work followed by a panel discussion. Bring your questions - the panel will share their “secrets” and tips for success.

May 11, 2023 Madison area Book club - “Combat and Campus”

April 16, 2023. 10:00 a.m. UU Fellowship, Manitowoc. Making a Difference with Poetry/ Combat and Campus

February 18, 2023 1:30-3:30 p.m. Write On Door County “Meet the Sheets, An Afternoon of Poetry and Mini-Poetry Workshop”

January 29, 2023 , 9:00 a.m. First Presbyterian Church - Neenah, WI Adult Ed Class. Becoming Trans-Parent presentation/discussion

November 11, 2022, 3:00 p.m. Touchmark Senior Living, Appleton Wisconsin. Veterans Day presentation. Open to the public, 2601 Touchmark Dr, Appleton, WI 54914

November 5, 2022, 10 a.m. - noon, CENTRAL time, Coastal Dune Branch, California Writers Club on ZOOM.

March 28, 2022, at 7 p.m. (CENTRAL time) VETERANS BREAKFAST CLUB, Pittsburgh, PA, BOOK TALK on ZOOM

Feberuary 26, 2022 Verse Virtual “Book Party” on ZOOM, 3 p.m. Central time.

January 10, 2022, Noon-1 p.m. CST, Book Talk, Wis. Veterans Museum, Madison, WI on ZOOM, a viritual event. Video of Book Talk, Combat and Campus: Writing Through War

December 4, 2021, Noon, Vets and Friends, 2508 N Richmond in Appleton.

November 17, 2021, 2 - 4 p.m., Room 1965 - in the union, UW - Green Bay Campus. Book talk, and highlights of “Combat and Campus: WritingThrough War.”

November 10, 2021, noon-4 p.m., in the union - UW-Green Bay campus - Veterans Week presentations, Vietnam Veterans story day. I will have a display about “Combat and Campus: Writing Through War,”

November 8, 2021, Poetry Unlocked featured reader, 7 p.m., on ZOOM. Register with Poetry Unlocked on Facebook to get a Zoom link

October 2, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Write On Door County, Writers Book Fair, 4210 Juddville, Rd, Juddville, WI, I will be sharing my two books. (30 wriiers/authors plus live music)

September 28, 12:30 P.M. Resurrection Church, Allouez, a reading for the Hilltoppers study group.

September 25, 2021, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Central Wis. Book Festival, Book Fair at Whitewater Hall, Wausau WI

September 16, 2021, Book Club, featured book & Discussion Wausau, WI 10 a.m.,Whitewater Hall

September 11, 2021, Janke Bookstore, Festival of the Arts, downtown Wausau, WI, 505 Third St. (Festival of the Arts) 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Author visit and book and signing. (Returning to my hometown.)

August 21, 2021, Untitledtown Book Festival, Brown County Library, downtown Green Bay, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

August 11, 2021, Dickinson Poetry Series, 7 pm UU - Ephraim (Door County)

Monday May 31, 9:30 a.m. Recording: WFRV TV, Channel 5, Green Bay, live interview, Morning Show

May 28, 2021, at 10 a.m.
Listen Here:
Wisconsin Public Radio, ”Route 51” Memorial Day history and book review of “Combat and Campus: Writing Through War”

May 17, 2021, at 7 p.m. RECORDING of Virtual Reading/Book launch hosted by Write On Door County (on ZOOM)
May 22, 2021, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.: In-person reading (outdoors)
Lion’s Mouth Bookstore, Green Bay, City Deck Landing

PODCAST May 14, 2021: Peninsula Pulse (Door County) Combat and Campus, Writing Through War